A Mark Is Made

By: deanna on November 17th, 2009

Inspiration comes in various forms – from beauty encountered in everyday topics discussed on the news or a chance meeting with someone who awakens possibilities within you. Wherever it comes from, I LOVE when people get inspired.

I have the great pleasure of being inspired daily – by a colleague, a volunteer, a visitor (young visitors are my favorites; they never hold back!), or an artwork. I suppose it’s one of the many reasons I went into the museum field. I find museums to be a giant pilot light for inspiration.

I digress . . .

Scratchboard artist-in-residence Paula Waterman sparked inspiration among all those with whom she interacted.

During Paula’s October residency she met with Wausau East High School art students just as they were to begin their scratchboard unit (perfect timing).

Paula definitely inspired these students in the way she works, through her powerful imagery, or simply by her presence.

East art specialist Joel Pataconi copied me on an email he sent to Paula, thanking her for sharing her experiences and attaching images of scratchboards completed by students Paula worked with.

There’s no question that Paula left a mark on these students.


Above: Peacock by Magdeleane Ingram, Tiger by Emilie Waack, Lion by Jessica Boorse, Eagle by Tommy Xiong, Wolf by Wendy Yang

Impressed? I am! This is an awesome aspect of my job; I witness sparked inspiration and creativity in action.

Don’t be jealous – be inspired!

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