Removed temporarily – please check back for details
Offering access to original artwork for visitors with low vision or blindness, tactile sculpture encourages sighted visitors to visualize artwork through touch. The Woodson Art Museum’s inaugural tactile art exhibition debuted March 2, 2019, featuring avian sculptures, available on a “touch table” in the Decorative Arts Gallery. This on-going series of touchable sculptures, designed to share the power of hands-on art appreciation, will resume when possible; specific dates will be added when available.
Debuted Saturday, March 2, 2019
The Woodson Art Museum’s inaugural tactile art exhibition debuts with five avian sculptures, available on a “touch table” in the Decorative Arts Gallery. This touchable artwork installation – the first in an ongoing series – provides ready access to original artwork for visitors with low vision or blindness, also encouraging sighted visitors to experience a new way to “see” via the mind’s eye – visualizing artwork through touch. A commitment to providing accessible and compelling art experiences for all inspired the tactile art exhibition with guidance from tactile sculptor Ann Cunningham. Explore touchable sculpture and the power of hands-on art appreciation. For easiest access to the tactile sculptures when visiting, use the Museum’s 12th Street entrance; the Decorative Arts Gallery faces this entrance.
Tactile Art Explorations: Ann Cunningham Artist Residency
Thursday through Saturday, March 7 – 9
Sculptor Ann Cunningham is dedicated to creating stone and metal sculpture intended for touch. Ann’s pioneering work in the field of tactile art led her to research and develop art education practices for individuals with low vision and blindness. Her expertise and passion for inclusive and illuminating art experiences for all helped guide Woodson Art Museum staff during the development of its tactile art exhibition. Join Ann Cunningham during public programs complementing the launch of the Museum’s tactile art exhibition – the first in an ongoing, periodically changing series. Get details here.
Exhibition Highlights

Thanks to the members, donors, grantors, and sponsors who support the exhibition and programs.
In Touch with Art support comes from the Green Bay Packers Foundation and a Community Enhancement Grant from the Wausau•Marathon County Fund of the Community Foundation of North Central Wisconsin. Exhibitions and programs are supported in part by a grant from the Wisconsin Arts Board with funds from the State of Wisconsin and the National Endowment for the Arts. Marketing supported in part by City of Wausau Room Tax funds.