I’m back in school. Business school. In a Master of Business Administration program to be exact. Throughout the past several months, my life outside of the Woodson Art Museum has been the Consumer Price Index, Management Strategy, Leadership Assessments, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, and other potential cures for insomnia. I joke, but in reality, it’s exciting. The reason why I’m enthusiastic is not because I’m studying to learn how to start a business or work on Wall Street, but to be a better Woodson Art Museum employee.
A year ago, when I received a promotion to be the Museum’s assistant director and an opportunity to expand my education arose, I asked Museum director Kathy Foley what I should study. Should I pursue art history or arts management? Even though I still have trouble telling Edward Hopper from Dennis Hopper, and I had no prior experience in non-profit leadership, without hesitation she said “get an MBA,” like it was ordering a Double-Whopper.

Painted Nighthawks, right?
As fate would have it (as it typically does around the Woodson), the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point recently received accreditation for a new full-time and part-time MBA program, featuring a curriculum and focus that is right up my alley. I applied, was accepted, and spent this past summer passing business competency classes before officially starting classes in September. So far, it has been everything I thought it would be, with much to learn and plenty I will be able to apply to my work at the Art Museum.
I knew I kept my old backpack around for a reason . . .