Birds in Art Jury: Museum Director Weighs In

By: Kathy Kelsey Foley, director on May 13th, 2015

I take my hat off to the 2015 Birds in Art jury and to the 607 artists who submitted work for consideration.


The exhibition, now in its fortieth year, is predicated on both: keen-eyed jurors and talented artists. Regarding the latter, there is – no surprise – considerably more superb artwork submitted than space in the galleries allows for.



This means, of course, that some artists are disappointed and understandably so.


I have said many times that one of the most difficult tasks I undertake is sharing Birds in Art jury results. Seriously; doesn’t everyone prefer good news? Alas, that’s just not possible.


Since the 2015 notifications were emailed on Thursday, May 7, I’ve had the pleasure – I mean that sincerely – of exchanging messages with a dozen artists whose work was not accepted, but who sought further guidance and perhaps an insight or two. Without exception, these exchanges have been enormously rewarding not only for me, but also for the artists. How do I know? They’ve told me in frank and humble replies.


While it would be unrealistic for me to share feedback with 500+ artists, I think the always-eager-to-learn aspect of artists seeking clarification, either from me or others, is a positive – and perhaps unintended – outcome of not receiving the news everyone would prefer, i.e., an acceptance.


The 2015 Birds in Art jurors had their work cut out for them because artists continue to raise the bar. Many truly exceptional artworks fall below the cut-off line, and as I’ve said previously, a second exhibition of equally fine work could be organized.


For the 102 artists whose work was accepted, there should be both joy and pride. I’m certainly proud, on behalf of the Woodson Art Museum, to celebrate and recognize these artists in this year’s Birds in Art exhibition and catalogue.



The 2015 exhibition opens on Saturday, September 12. Mark your calendars now. I look forward to welcoming you and also to hearing your feedback.


PS Here’s the list of 2015 Birds in Art artists.

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