Chalk One Up for Wausau

By: Andrew McGivern, curator of exhibitions on July 1st, 2009

While working at the Art Museum, like most professional jobs, is demanding and time consuming, I do make time to get involved with other community events.

A few years ago, I joined the board of Wausau’s ChalkFest as the Museum’s representative. Now in its sixth year, ChalkFest is held on Wausau’s City Square in the downtown area. It takes place this year on Saturday and Sunday, July 11 and 12.

This creative community event attracts artists of all ages and artistic abilities. Participants make artworks in assigned spaces ranging from three by three feet to eight by ten feet. Artists receive a pack of 48 colorful pastels when they register and can work as individuals or in groups, which provides a great opportunity for families and/or friends to collaborate as artistic teams.

Last year an estimated 5,000 viewers perused the downtown Wausau Square, admiring over 230 chalk drawings. The event concludes on Sunday afternoon with a reception at the Center for the Visual Arts, where awards are given to five participating artists selected by their peers.

Helping to coordinate ChalkFest is rewarding and fun. I work with a terrific group of artistic and community-minded volunteers, and interacting with the artists is a real pleasure. Like the Woodson Art Museum, ChalkFest helps promote the arts in north central Wisconsin and provides a public venue for aspiring artists.
Wausau is fortunate to have so many organizations and events that foster an environment of artistic creativity.

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