Half a Decade (Well Almost)

By: deanna on December 30th, 2009

In a couple days we’ll welcome the New Year, closing the chapter on the 00s.

Time to reflect, be thankful, and make resolutions for the upcoming year. 2010 marks my fifth year at the Woodson Art Museum (actually I started in August of 2005 – but for the sake of this article, let’s round to 2005).

You might chuckle at five years, “Ah, still a newbie,” but it’s the longest time I’ve worked in one place. Some of my colleagues have decades on me; I’m serious when I say decades.

I’m proud of these past five years. I’m even more proud to say I work at the Woodson Art Museum. A Museum with talented professionals (who’ve shared their time and expertise with me throughout the years), an awesome group of volunteers, an amazing collection, changing exhibitions, and educational programming, a beautiful physical space, and a continued commitment to free admission.

I’m excited to see what 2010 brings! Could it get any better?!

Happy New Year!

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