Our Holiday Potluck Lunch

By: Kathy Kelsey Foley, director on December 17th, 2008

Like many work “families,” the Woodson Art Museum staff is a diverse group of individuals who bring varied customs and traditions to holiday celebrations.

For lunch on Monday, we came together for a true holiday potluck. “True” in the sense that we had no sign-ups or assignments. If desserts prevailed, so be it . . . or hooray for all of us.

As it turned out, we treated ourselves to an array of delicious – and balanced – dishes, except for the absence of rolls, which is one of the easiest, tried-and-true potluck items. I suppose everyone wanted to be just a bit more creative.

We began with deviled eggs, shrimp, herring, salads, veggies and dip, and moved on to casseroles – including Kansas City Jack Stack Barbecue restaurant’s famous Cheesy Corn Bake, good ol’ fashioned farm-hearty beans, and meatballs.

Desserts were plentiful, too: holiday cookies, chiffon cheesecake, carrot cake, chocolate-frosted snowman (a nod to the sub-zero weather we’re experiencing), apple pie, and fudge. No shortage of tempting treats.

Eighteen of us enjoyed lunch (I know, it sounds like there was food for many more and there was!) and one another’s company. We laughed, shared plans for the holidays, and recognized how truly fortunate we are. We take great pride in our work and in the Woodson Art Museum, and we have fun to boot.

There’s nothing quite like a potluck lunch to get you in the holiday spirit!

PS. Our gathering had a community-service element, too. Staff members brought canned goods and other food items, which we donated to our friends at The Neighbor’s Place.

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