When I was teaching art at Pius XI High School in Milwaukee, there was a pivotal moment that struck every year in late spring. Other teachers in the department and I would share stories about how this time of year is when it often just “clicked” for students. After weeks of practicing contour, value scales, and learning negative space, they finally felt confident in their drawings. It would all come together late in the game–when it was most important.
It was especially true for the seniors, many of whom went on to study art at the collegiate level. The day-to-day pace and productivity in classes seemed to speed up. It’s almost like everyone (students and teachers alike) were racing to get to the summer months but kept working hard to finish the year strong.
And that’s the same feeling lately around the Woodson Art Museum. Although school is now out and teachers and students are enjoying the warm weather, summer programs here are in full swing, and staff is gearing up for year 49 of Birds in Art. Lots of details are clicking into place and we are operating full steam ahead.

Volunteer greeters during Monday’s celebration in the Sculpture Garden
On Monday, we all took time out of our busy schedules to pause, celebrate, and thank the hard work of our beloved Museum volunteers during gatherings in the Sculpture Garden and on the rooftop at the Velveteen Plum. Museum greeters and docents were recognized for their service and dedication to the Woodson Art Museum. Greeters are the smiling faces who welcome visitors into the building each day, sharing stories and memories of those who visit with staff, and Museum docents offer knowledge about artworks and exhibitions to groups touring in the galleries and assist with hands-on projects. Their commitment and spirit are what make the Woodson Art Museum feel like home to so many in the community. Docents received gifts from a local, low waste home goods store in Stevens Point called Process, a native-run shop downtown. The Museum’s top tour givers were recognized for their efforts and commitment to leading many tours throughout the calendar year, especially during Soñadora: Yuyi Morales, when we welcomed every third grade class in the Wausau School District for a visit to the Museum. Greeters received delicious treats from Wausau’s downtown Chocolate Shop, a sweet treat to acknowledge their role in welcoming visitors.

Museum docents during Monday’s celebration at Velveteen Plum
Although the hustle and bustle around the galleries, in the classrooms, the Glass Box Studio, and behind the scenes doesn’t seem to slow down around the Museum, it was nice to take time and acknowledge the fruits of our labors with our family of volunteers. To all our docents and greeters who help us keep the pace around here–thank you for what you do!
Interested in becoming a Woodson Art Museum volunteer? Email scheduling@lywam.org