Few things haven’t changed in the past year with the coronavirus pandemic affecting almost all aspects of our lives. Through all of this, one annual Museum highlight is going forth, as planned. Snow Sculpture.
Each winter throughout three decades, Team USA Snow Sculptors Tom Queoff, Mike Martino, and Mike Sponholtz, created a snow sculpture for the Woodson Art Museum. Even with all the challenges happening in the world, this 31st year will be no different.
It will be uplifting to see “The Guys” on Saturday, February 20. There’s something about these funny, approachable artists with their matching jackets and various taxidermied headwear, chiseling away at a big pile of snow that is a welcome sight.

From left to right: Mike Martino, Tom Queoff, and Mike Sponholtz (as a testament to their consistent wardrobe, I wrote the above description before I mined through images).
Because the activity is outside, their work can go on this year. With the Museum now open again, visitors can talk to the guys (socially distanced of course) and appreciate their work in snow and experience Birds in Art before it closes after this Sunday, February 21. Please come and enjoy this annual tradition the Museum continues to offer, even during these times of change.
P.S. The tremendous generosity of the City of Wausau for providing the snow and The Samuels Group for providing the forms for the snow also remain “the same.” We thank both for helping this annual tradition take place.