Tag Archives: 2013 Birds in Art

Volunteerism and Cultural Engagement

Posted on November 06, 2013
Ask any Woodson Art Museum staff member and they will sing the praises of volunteers – their dedication, knowledge, and kindness make them ideal ambassadors for the Museum in our community. Greeters, gardeners, docents, and SPARK! friends engage visitors, beautify grounds, brighten our entrance, and support the Museum’s mission to... Read More

Birds, Birds, Everywhere Birds!

Posted on October 23, 2013
Have you noticed bird imagery is everywhere? Just today I received an email featuring bird-themed bags designed by Kate Spade. In fact, an entire line of bags, belts, mittens, earmuffs, and jewelry, features owls. http://www.katespade.com/geek-chic/ks-gifts-geek%20chic,en_US,sc.html That email reminded me how often I encounter images of birds. Certainly, I am surrounded... Read More

Early Birds’ Reward

Posted on September 25, 2013
Although Birds in Art opening weekend festivities are behind us, Museum staff are still relishing the final email exchanges with artists and guests who, like us, are returning to daily routines. Last year, around this time, I joked I had completed my official hazing at the Museum – having made... Read More

Where Did Summer Go?!

Posted on August 14, 2013
It’s perhaps cliché to say things like “where’d the summer go?” or “these weeks just flew by!” but I am earnestly shocked by the date on my calendar. Friends and fans of the Woodson Art Museum can imagine our Birds in Art workload during the month of August . .... Read More