Tag Archives: artists

Guitar Heroes

Posted on February 11, 2015
The Woodson Art Museum team has been gearing up for Medieval to Metal: The Art & Evolution of the Guitar for months. Beginning in July, Museum staff worked with an impressive team of community partners whose insights, recommendations, and regional connections were valuable resources as program planning developed.

Barry’s Bobolink: In the Field with a Master Artist

Posted on September 10, 2014
The whole bird vibrates. Side-lit by sun, a bobolink spills song across new meadow grass on old farmland in Westminster, Massachusetts in May. Notes vector out from half a head of open beak and half a buffy helmet, aquiver with sound. With wing-pumping, reverse-tuxedo verve, this bird makes “going out on a limb” look good. I am in the field with my teacher, Barry Van Dusen, in mid-spring – out early in the day, out ready in the field where things are just beginning. It’s my first bobolink. And I’m completely happy.

Early Birds’ Reward

Posted on September 25, 2013
Although Birds in Art opening weekend festivities are behind us, Museum staff are still relishing the final email exchanges with artists and guests who, like us, are returning to daily routines. Last year, around this time, I joked I had completed my official hazing at the Museum – having made... Read More

A Note of Thanks

Posted on September 14, 2011
By Cindy Brzeski It‘s customary to send a note of thanks to the hostess after attending an event. In my case, the hostess of the 36th annual Birds in Art opening, Kathy Foley, sits across the hall from me. I’ve thought about how best to convey my appreciation, and settled... Read More