Tag Archives: museum visitor experience

The Convoluted Tale of the Tiny Folded Cranes

Posted on April 03, 2013
Would you like to have a hand in solving a Woodson Art Museum mini-mystery? Help crack the case of the two incredibly tiny folded cranes and you could claim Sherlock status and offer a tip of the hat to someone who must be a dedicated origami enthusiast. The story begins... Read More

Temporary Walls; Worth the Wait

Posted on March 27, 2013
We at the Woodson Art Museum don’t like barriers. Let me clarify. Our director, Kathy Foley doesn’t like barriers. Me, I love a good barrier. I’m enthralled by partitions, have a slight crush on hedgerows, and I adore a good blockade. It’s a good thing that I don’t call the... Read More