Tag Archives: octobirdfest

Pre-Party Prep Underway for OctoBIRDfest

Posted on September 18, 2013
Anybody who’s hosted a big party knows how much effort and attention to detail must occur before the big day. OctoBIRDfest at the Woodson Art Museum is no exception . OctoBIRDfest is the Woodson Art Museum’s fine-feathered, fall festival for the young and young at heart. This year’s 23rd-annual OctoBIRDfest,... Read More

OctoBIRDfest through German Tourists’ Eyes

Posted on October 05, 2011
I benefited from a “fresh eyes” fix on Saturday while guiding four German media representatives on a tour of the Woodson Art Museum. The Museum was one stop, coordinated by the Wausau/Central Wisconsin Convention and Visitors Bureau, on the Wisconsin Department of Tourism’s fall international tour. 2011 Master Artist James... Read More

The Magic Is in the Name

Posted on October 06, 2010
Twenty years ago, random word associations during a Woodson Art Museum staff meeting led to our creation of OctoBIRDfest. This annual bird-related family festival took place Saturday, October 2, to chirps and tweets of delight among fledglings, older siblings, parents, grandparents, and extended family members and friends. OctoBIRDfest 2010 was... Read More