Tag Archives: origami-related careers
Masterful Motivation for Parents
Posted on February 26, 2020
For a cabin-fever-busting family outing, visit Art Park this week. Origami is a fun thing to do at home, too, if snowy weather requires hunkering down indoors.
Upcoming exhibitions feature a flair for France and delightful children’s book illustrations. Colorful French posters and illustrations by award-winning author and artist Melissa Sweet will grace the galleries, beginning March 7, and will offer spring-fever remedies galore.
Origami Fosters Connections
Posted on February 20, 2013
Like origami artworks held together via paper tucked into compatible pocket folds, collaboration is key to Woodson Art Museum programs for all ages. Often, as staff members plan and work alongside community partners, we develop soft spots for these people. Michael assists visitors on opening day. Roman with Little Masters... Read More