The Right Treat

By: Matt Foss on August 5th, 2015


Today is my turn to host the Woodson Art Museum’s bi-weekly staff meeting. By “host” I mean move the meeting along as best as I can and bring a treat for the staff to devour. We accomplish a lot in these meetings and have some fun at the same time. However, with hosting comes great responsibility.

First, I have to get the staff through the meeting. Although we see one another in the hallways, galleries, or at the lunch table, we treat staff meetings like we haven’t seen one another in months. Conversations erupt regarding vacations, children, and weekend plans, turning into mini-family reunions. A couple of yard games, a few gallons of potato salad, and an aunt falling off the wagon, and we’d be at mine.

blog 8-5-15 Cousin Eddie

Foss Family reunion








Usually, the way to get staff back on track is to introduce the treat for the meeting. Choosing the right treat is no easy task, either. While chocolate is usually a hit, it’s not filling. Doughnuts are popular, but a little unhealthy. If it’s too insalubrious, curator of exhibitions Andy McGivern (whose favorite meal is celery) and curator of education Catie Anderson (who has the diet of a common squirrel) lecture on the importance of a healthy treat.

blog 8-5-15 Catie's Lunch

Catie’s idea of lunch

So I need something eye-catching to get the meeting focused and something with a semblance of nutrition, to keep the healthy police at bay. It’s warm today. I bet ice cream would taste good. I just got back from Door County where the cherries are ripe. One of my favorite treats growing up was warm cherry pie filling on vanilla ice cream. The mix of flavors combined with the taste of the warm cherries on the cold ice cream brings back memories.







With Birds in Art only a few weeks away, staff members need to be on their game and in the meeting for the long haul. That treat just might do the trick.

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