The Way We Write

By: Kathy Kelsey Foley, director on August 12th, 2009

It’s been almost twelve months since six Woodson Art Museum staff members launched “Woodson Wanderings.” We believe that we undertook our blog with a practical sense of responsibility to deliver informative weekly content and also with the mindset that it is better to under-promise and over-deliver than the negative alternative.

While actual comments on the blog site have been few and far between, we know we have readers and even a few followers. Each of us has heard from both occasional and regular readers . . . and although I don’t want to sound “needy,” let’s be honest, feedback is always good as well as appreciated.

So what have we, the six rotating writers, learned over the past year?
— Deadlines, even once every six weeks, roll around faster than you might think.
— Although our day-to-day activities are varied and often surprisingly unusual, it’s not always easy to settle on a topic.
— The lead sentence is the hardest one to write . . . okay, the entire entry can be a challenge.
— It’s easier to edit than it is to actually author.
— Does anyone really “like” to write?!

We’ve likely learned other things about ourselves and one another and for sure we can each attest to the old adage that “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”

I am enormously proud of my partners in this venture. Each deserves an enthusiastic shout out.

Here’s to Marcia, Andy, Jane, Erin, and Jayna!

I know that writing doesn’t always come easy। Throughout the year, everyone has kept their cool as well as a sense of humor। And everyone has refined their personal style, too.

As we embark on year two, I offer up this rogue’s gallery of who we are and where we write as well as my promise that we’ll keep “Woodson Wanderings” weekly, fresh, and even occasionally saucy.

Thanks for wandering with us.

Photos clockwise: Jane Weinke, Marcia Theel, Jayna Hintz, Erin Narloch, and Andy McGivern.

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