Tag Archives: Above the Fold: New Expressions in Origami

Wu-Lang Clan

Posted on January 22, 2020
I can’t resist a good opportunity for a pun. Iconic and revolutionary hip-hop artists, the Wu-Tang Clan shaped their genre and used the written word to write and re-shape the legacy of East-Coast rap. I’m a fan of artists Jiangmei Wu and Robert J. Lang (hence “Wu-Lang Clan”), both featured in Above the Fold and both visiting the Woodson Art Museum and kicking off 2020 in innovative and grand style.

Making Fleeting Magic

Posted on January 15, 2020
This weekend, January 18-19, the Woodson Art Museum hosts origami artist Jiangmei Wu and snow sculptors as they work wonders with paper and snow. These artists’ transformations are magical. Whether you visit to marvel at their results or satisfy your curiosity about the artists’ tools and techniques, inspiration and insights are in store.


Posted on January 01, 2020
Today the world ushers in the year 2020, in the Gregorian calendar. It’s the beginning of the ‘20s, end of the teens, and a Leap Year . . . and for like minds who enjoy wordplay, it’s 20/20.

Where Once There Was a Square, Now There Is a Story

Posted on December 11, 2019
Three new exhibitions opened Saturday at the Woodson Art Museum – Above the Fold: New Expressions in Origami, FaunaFold, and Alchemy Unfolding – transforming the freshly de-installed galleries from blank boxes into immersive spaces, a metamorphosis not unlike those generated by origami artists who create captivating, multidimensional designs from squares of paper.