Tag Archives: birds

Up to the Challenge

Posted on August 19, 2020
Typically during the summer months, I’m happily organizing exhibitions to install in all the Museum’s permanent collection galleries. Covid-19 prompted rethinking installations to increase safety and social distancing. This fall, the west gallery where visitors usually peruse selections from the permanent collection will instead provide expanded space for Birds in Art so visitors can safely enjoy the 128 artworks comprising the exhibition. My next exciting challenge is preparing for March 6, 2021 when all the Woodson Art Museum’s galleries will feature works from the collection.

Count Your Blessings

Posted on July 15, 2015
My focus, as curator of collections, is on those artworks comprising the permanent collection. I’m challenged to combine varied works into themed exhibitions. With thoughtful goals and discerning standards, our collection sets the standard for avian-and nature-themed art. The exhibition installations that will begin in early August will substantiate this claim.

Barry’s Bobolink: In the Field with a Master Artist

Posted on September 10, 2014
The whole bird vibrates. Side-lit by sun, a bobolink spills song across new meadow grass on old farmland in Westminster, Massachusetts in May. Notes vector out from half a head of open beak and half a buffy helmet, aquiver with sound. With wing-pumping, reverse-tuxedo verve, this bird makes “going out on a limb” look good. I am in the field with my teacher, Barry Van Dusen, in mid-spring – out early in the day, out ready in the field where things are just beginning. It’s my first bobolink. And I’m completely happy.

Bright-eyed and Bushy-tailed: A Newbie’s Take on Birds in Art

Posted on September 12, 2012
I survived. The Birds in Art opening festivities served as my institutional initiation, and I can now say with confidence that I’m a part of the Woodson Art Museum family. It all began to sink in Friday – how truly special Birds in Art is and what this annual exhibition... Read More

Feathering the Nest for Birds in Art 2010

Posted on August 12, 2010
August is nearly half over and summer is beginning to wane. “Back to School” sales are ramping up and my wife and I are disappointed to hear fewer backyard birds singing in the morning. Although songbirds migrate early, we are seeing a dramatic increase in bird sightings at the Woodson... Read More