Tag Archives: day trips
Merit Badges, Just for Fun
Posted on July 09, 2014
Whether or not you’ve ever toasted marshmallows or swapped ghost stories around a campfire, the idea of summer camp simply says “vacation.”
“Fun has its merits.” That’s the tagline for Camp Wisconsin, the Department of Tourism’s theme encouraging people to explore the state this summer, earning digital scouting-inspired merit badges along the way.
After downloading the Travel Wisconsin mobile app, travelers can earn thirteen digital Brag Badges at hundreds of locations across the state – including the Woodson Art Museum.
What Prompts Museum Visits?
Posted on May 21, 2014
I’m always curious and fascinated to learn what brings Woodson Art Museum visitors through the doors. Volunteer greeters provide crucial insights when they jot down comments from their casual conversations with visitors.
In addition to cities from throughout Wisconsin and the Midwest, it’s exciting to see far-flung locations listed on these informal greeter surveys. Since last fall, visitors have hailed from Poland, Russia, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Latvia, Greece, Norway, and — during repeat visits — England and Scotland.
The Who, What, Where, and Why of Woodson Art Museum Visitors
Posted on November 20, 2012
Who are Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum visitors? What brings more than 50,000 people each year to the Museum for first, repeated, and frequent visits from throughout the Wausau area, region, country, and world? Volunteer Museum greeters, in the course of their welcome, casually inquire and later note visitors’ responses... Read More