Tag Archives: exhibitions
The Pleasure of the Unexpected
Posted on January 29, 2025
Museums exist in a unique space between the familiar and the new, offering both the comfort of revisiting beloved artworks and the thrill of discovering future favorites. A recent visit to New York City museums highlighted this balance, as artworks sparked fresh inspiration through their own history and artistry.
Myth, Folly, and Vinyl: A Hands-On Journey into Curation
Posted on December 11, 2024
Discover how members got an exclusive, hands-on experience in curating during 'The Curator’s Tool Belt' event, where they explored themes of narrative, design, and layout by creating mini-exhibitions for the upcoming 'Myth and Folly' exhibition.
A Picture-Perfect Finish
Posted on November 15, 2023
What signs signal that it's the time to draw a story to a close? When is a composition finished? Explore how these 'endings' feature in the upcoming exhibition From Concept to Canvas: The Artistic Process, opening December 9.
Life is an Artful Sketch
Posted on May 03, 2023
My new hope is to stay motivated enough to pick up a pencil and a sketchbook or wipe the dust off my watercolors and just start making more often – something I was reminded of by Fidelia Bridges and D.C. Everest art students.
Nurturing Creative Possibilities
Posted on August 03, 2022
The Ginny Ruffner: Reforestation of the Imagination exhibition opens up a world of creative opportunity for students, leading to questions like “Can I combine a cantaloupe and a watermelon?” or “What about a strawberry and a cactus . . . a pineapple and zucchini?”
Cutting into History
Posted on December 22, 2021
Drawn in first by our visual instincts, what ultimately unfolds before our eyes is a microcosm of the story of American art, a brief history of the twentieth century in America contained on the wooden block. The exhibition’s artworks – at once precise, kinetic, gentle, and bold – capture the prevalent trends of American woodblock makers during a period spanning from 1910 to 1992.
Up to the Challenge
Posted on August 19, 2020
Typically during the summer months, I’m happily organizing exhibitions to install in all the Museum’s permanent collection galleries. Covid-19 prompted rethinking installations to increase safety and social distancing. This fall, the west gallery where visitors usually peruse selections from the permanent collection will instead provide expanded space for Birds in Art so visitors can safely enjoy the 128 artworks comprising the exhibition.
My next exciting challenge is preparing for March 6, 2021 when all the Woodson Art Museum’s galleries will feature works from the collection.
Extraordinary Chairs
Posted on June 01, 2016
During this busy four-day workweek, the Woodson Art Museum’s crack team of art handlers will take down, pack up, and ship the Walter Wick exhibition as well as lay out and install The Art of Seating: 200 Years of American Design, which opens Saturday, June 4.
Count Your Blessings
Posted on July 15, 2015
My focus, as curator of collections, is on those artworks comprising the permanent collection. I’m challenged to combine varied works into themed exhibitions. With thoughtful goals and discerning standards, our collection sets the standard for avian-and nature-themed art. The exhibition installations that will begin in early August will substantiate this claim.