Tag Archives: guest artists

Wu-Lang Clan

Posted on January 22, 2020
I can’t resist a good opportunity for a pun. Iconic and revolutionary hip-hop artists, the Wu-Tang Clan shaped their genre and used the written word to write and re-shape the legacy of East-Coast rap. I’m a fan of artists Jiangmei Wu and Robert J. Lang (hence “Wu-Lang Clan”), both featured in Above the Fold and both visiting the Woodson Art Museum and kicking off 2020 in innovative and grand style.

Highlights and Looking Ahead

Posted on January 13, 2016
2015 was a busy year for the Woodson Art Museum’s education department, and 2016 is off to a great start with one artist residency completed and over two hundred area students already served. In 2015, the Museum welcomed thousands of regional Pre-K through twelfth-grade students to the Museum during docent-led experiences, artist residencies, workshops, and camps.

Seeing the Everyday in a New Way

Posted on July 22, 2015
Among the perks of working at the Woodson Art Museum are opportunities to get acquainted with visiting artists. During artists’ multiday residencies, our paths cross when photographing the programs they lead, chatting in the break room at lunch, or squiring them to local restaurants.