Tag Archives: Museum Apps

A Day in the Life . . .

Posted on October 24, 2012
From evening news interviews to acrylic paint smeared across your backside, the life of a Woodson Art Museum educator is a charmed but chaotic one. The proverbial “it’s all in a day’s work” feels appropriate after many a busy day at the Museum. Tuesday, October 23 was no exception. Yesterday... Read More

Woodson Art Museum App Enhancing Exhibitions This Fall

Posted on August 01, 2012
How plugged in are you? Keeping pace with technology can be both challenging and exhilarating. Welcome to my world these past few months. I’m proud to announce the launch of the Woodson Art Museum’s updated, tech-savvy, and user-friendly audio tour on easy-to-use iTouch devices that will be available for visitors’... Read More