Tag Archives: origami

The Helping Hands Behind Origami Success

Posted on March 04, 2020
Throughout three origami exhibitions that concluded March 1, the Woodson Art Museum welcomed more than 1,100 students during class visits. Before closing – or folding – the book on origami and turning to upcoming exhibitions being installed this week., I’d like  to take this opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of the Museum’s volunteer docents who guided students during the past twelve weeks.

Masterful Motivation for Parents

Posted on February 26, 2020
For a cabin-fever-busting family outing, visit Art Park this week. Origami is a fun thing to do at home, too, if snowy weather requires hunkering down indoors. Upcoming exhibitions feature a flair for France and delightful children’s book illustrations. Colorful French posters and illustrations by award-winning author and artist Melissa Sweet will grace the galleries, beginning March 7, and will offer spring-fever remedies galore.

Wu-Lang Clan

Posted on January 22, 2020
I can’t resist a good opportunity for a pun. Iconic and revolutionary hip-hop artists, the Wu-Tang Clan shaped their genre and used the written word to write and re-shape the legacy of East-Coast rap. I’m a fan of artists Jiangmei Wu and Robert J. Lang (hence “Wu-Lang Clan”), both featured in Above the Fold and both visiting the Woodson Art Museum and kicking off 2020 in innovative and grand style.


Posted on January 01, 2020
Today the world ushers in the year 2020, in the Gregorian calendar. It’s the beginning of the ‘20s, end of the teens, and a Leap Year . . . and for like minds who enjoy wordplay, it’s 20/20.

That’s a Wrap

Posted on December 18, 2019
With Christmas a week away, I fear another day of shame for me, watching my wife and kids open presents with my dumpster fire of a wrapping job.

Where Once There Was a Square, Now There Is a Story

Posted on December 11, 2019
Three new exhibitions opened Saturday at the Woodson Art Museum – Above the Fold: New Expressions in Origami, FaunaFold, and Alchemy Unfolding – transforming the freshly de-installed galleries from blank boxes into immersive spaces, a metamorphosis not unlike those generated by origami artists who create captivating, multidimensional designs from squares of paper.

It’s Great to See You

Posted on February 27, 2013
The Woodson Art Museum hosted a daylong accessibility training for community members, Museum volunteers, and colleagues on Friday, February 22. Museum educators from the Museum of Wisconsin Art and the Milwaukee Public Museum joined other speakers in presenting how their institutions offer diverse programs for visitors of all ages and... Read More

Origami Fosters Connections

Posted on February 20, 2013
Like origami artworks held together via paper tucked into compatible pocket folds, collaboration is key to Woodson Art Museum programs for all ages. Often, as staff members plan and work alongside community partners, we develop soft spots for these people. Michael assists visitors on opening day. Roman with Little Masters... Read More

Love Is in the Air

Posted on January 23, 2013
By Kathy Kelsey Foley, Director Valentine’s Day is three weeks away, but I’m already feeling the love. In fact, “love” is a theme that permeates our Woodson Wanderings’ posts. We love our work; we love this program and that, and the participants who bring wide-ranging experiences to the table; we... Read More