Tag Archives: Teen Art Council

TAC Is Changing . . . .

Posted on December 10, 2014
Change can trigger progress, causing things to move forward and develop. This fall brings change and progress to the Woodson Art Museum Teen Art Council or TAC.

Museum and Mother-Son Memories Entwined

Posted on June 05, 2013
Today my son, Alex, graduates from high school. Part of me is sad knowing my little boy is all grown up, but a greater part of me is proud of the young man he has become and the future that is his, to be discovered. Graduation is a time when... Read More

Party Demystifies Teen Art Council

Posted on May 15, 2013
Teens who gathered at the Woodson Art Museum Friday night became bidders at a mock art auction and amateur detectives solving the case of the missing “Magnificent Cube” artwork. The Teen Mystery Party, featuring food, music, and fun, marked the second “who-dun-it?” event planned by the Museum’s Teen Art Council,... Read More

Teens Join the Fold

Posted on March 20, 2013
Area teens involved in this third year of the Woodson Art Museum’s Teen Art Council (TAC) have been busy planning programs for teens by teens. This Friday, March 22, 6-8:30 pm, teens are invited to the Museum to learn origami-folding techniques. Area origami enthusiasts, Roger Zimmermann, Michael Schneider, and Roman... Read More

It’s No Mystery – Teens Are Super Sleuths

Posted on March 21, 2012
Teens who attended the Mystery Party Friday night at the Woodson Art Museum delved into role-playing improvisation and honed their sleuthing skills as they tried to solve the crime of the evening – the disappearance of a pink dinosaur guest. If you’ve ever played the board game Clue™, you’ve got... Read More

Tea Party Appearance Marks One of Many Teen Mad Happenings

Posted on April 27, 2011
The Hatter and March Hare presided at a table set for tea last Thursday at the Woodson Art Museum. The table was a large one; it seated 27 guests, including the Hatter, March Hare, and Alice. Alice looked around the table to see the fanciful, inventive hats created by the... Read More