Tag Archives: The Heavyweight

What I Did on My Summer “Vacation”

Posted on August 07, 2013
By Olivia Heitz After volunteering this summer at the Woodson Art Museum, I’m convinced everything is great: the people, the atmosphere, the accomplishments, and so much more. Museum staff members are filled with respect for one another, and the atmosphere is comforting and calm, even with all of the hectic... Read More

Summertime Is Fun Time in the Sculpture Garden

Posted on July 23, 2013
Summertime so far has been extra fun for me; I spent the last week in June and the second week in July outside in the Woodson Art Museumsculpture garden. Yes, as a museum educator I was working; first coordinating a plein-air workshop with artist Janeice Linden and then leading a... Read More