Tag Archives: Wausau School District
New Year, New Team, Same Support
Posted on February 01, 2023
2023 is off to a busy and promising start at the Woodson Art Museum with new staff members hitting the ground running and all hands on deck working together to offer meaningful programs for the north central Wisconsin community.
Glad to Be in the Galleries
Posted on February 23, 2022
This winter, I’ve welcomed opportunities to work with visitors in the galleries, from Art Cluster students to a first-year class from the Medical College of Wisconsin’s Central Wisconsin campus. No matter the group, I always enjoy conversing about art on view and learning what appeals to different audiences.
Best-Laid Plans
Posted on February 02, 2022
Last week, the Woodson Art Museum welcomed 160 fourth- and fifth-grade students for Art Cluster, a Wausau School District program for those who demonstrate an aptitude and eagerness for the visual arts.
Familiar and Fresh
Posted on November 10, 2021
The Woodson team is creative and clever, sharing ideas openly and frequently with one another as we problem solve and debate the merits of proposed plans. These exchanges are both rewarding and challenging as we re-imagine programs.
Art to Go
Posted on July 15, 2020
Taking inventory of available art materials proved to be a quarantine-friendly activity for me working solo in education storage, counting supplies, and developing project ideas for summer art kits. Museum collection artwork images, printed with information and prompts on “kids club cards” were the source of inspiration for the five art kits.
The Helping Hands Behind Origami Success
Posted on March 04, 2020
Throughout three origami exhibitions that concluded March 1, the Woodson Art Museum welcomed more than 1,100 students during class visits. Before closing – or folding – the book on origami and turning to upcoming exhibitions being installed this week., I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of the Museum’s volunteer docents who guided students during the past twelve weeks.
Tiffany-Inspired Creativity Shines
Posted on January 25, 2017
Visiting school groups, popular studio workshops, programs, and engaging, hands-on activities in Art Park are keeping the Woodson Art Museum bustling and staff and volunteers busy. This winter, about 700 Wausau School District third-grade students are heading to the Woodson Art Museum – come rain, snow, sleet, or slush. Despite the gray skies and damp conditions, the warm, stained-glass glow of the Tiffany Studios lamps and, of course, the energy of 8- and 9-year-olds always perks me up.
A Day in the Life . . .
Posted on October 24, 2012
From evening news interviews to acrylic paint smeared across your backside, the life of a Woodson Art Museum educator is a charmed but chaotic one. The proverbial “it’s all in a day’s work” feels appropriate after many a busy day at the Museum. Tuesday, October 23 was no exception. Yesterday... Read More