Tag Archives: Apple app development

App Gets Two Thumbs Up!

Posted on September 26, 2012
With Birds in Art in its third week, many of the visiting artists have returned to their solitary lives in their studios, planning for next year’s entries. Like the artists, Woodson Art Museum staff members also have moved on to other projects as well as planning for next year’s Birds... Read More

Hiccup Rx: Spoonful of Sugar or Hold Breath?

Posted on May 30, 2012
During the course of a major construction project a few hiccups can be inevitable. In fact, some construction projects are beset by hiccups, as was the Looney Tunes stork, who hiccupped throughout his delivery of new arrivals. Luckily for the Woodson Art Museum, the weather has been cooperative, the Samuels... Read More

Exploring New Frontiers in Technology

Posted on May 23, 2012
Adopting a new technology can be both daunting and exciting. Recently Woodson Art Museum staff decided to switch from offering audio tours on simple MP3 players to the more flexible iPod Touch devices. The Museum’s current audio tours, which have been offered for a few years, require visitors to follow... Read More