Tag Archives: Manisha Padhye

The Year in Art

Posted on December 30, 2015
The dawn of 2016 is just two days away. The anticipation of the New Year is marked in many fashions, from celebrations to resolutions for personal improvement. Long gone is my desire to toast the changing of the calendar. I do appreciate year-in- review reports and looking ahead to continued prosperity.

Ducks in a Row

Posted on November 11, 2015
I have my share of vices; procrastination isn’t one of them. I’m a planner and an organizer. I like all my ducks in a row . . . literally.  

Birds in Art Whirlwind Weekend – What a Party!

Posted on September 15, 2010
I’m coming up for air after a breathtaking Birds in Art opening weekend, my first as a Woodson Art Museum staff member. Hired in late June, I jumped into the midst of Birds in Art preparation – a whirlwind of year-round work that whips into a frenzy during the two... Read More

Feathering the Nest for Birds in Art 2010

Posted on August 12, 2010
August is nearly half over and summer is beginning to wane. “Back to School” sales are ramping up and my wife and I are disappointed to hear fewer backyard birds singing in the morning. Although songbirds migrate early, we are seeing a dramatic increase in bird sightings at the Woodson... Read More