Tag Archives: Thomas Hill

Fall Back

Posted on November 07, 2018
Daylight saving time ended Sunday. I was raised in the northern hemisphere and in a family that embraced “spring ahead and fall back.” We adjusted the clock hands to the correct position – at bedtime before the morning it changed to avoid the embarrassment of missing Sunday church service. We dialed the telephone for the official time recording to ensure accuracy and uniformity.

The Year in Art

Posted on December 30, 2015
The dawn of 2016 is just two days away. The anticipation of the New Year is marked in many fashions, from celebrations to resolutions for personal improvement. Long gone is my desire to toast the changing of the calendar. I do appreciate year-in- review reports and looking ahead to continued prosperity.

Wired for Action

Posted on September 21, 2011
This week, September 20-25, over 700 students and additional visitors will have the opportunity to meet and work with artist Thomas Hill at the Woodson Art Museum. Visitors will be creating wire forms that will become part of Wire Woodland, a forest installation that Hill is creating at the Museum.... Read More