Tag Archives: writing grant applications

Wrinkles along the Writing Road

Posted on June 11, 2014
I’ve been writing grant application narratives and proposals for almost forty years. Longevity doesn’t make the tasks easier, but the processes sure have changed. At the risk of sounding like my grandmother – I always thought she seemed “old” when she mused about how things had changed – I can’t help but marvel at how technology and other efficiencies have impacted writing tasks.

Finding Spaces for Growing Up

Posted on December 18, 2013
Elementary and middle-school years are tough – filled with identity confusion, hormones, and self-doubt. What are our skills? Interests? Priorities? These questions may take a lifetime to answer, but I found myself addressing them, at a young age, at museums. Anyone who works with or knows me is well aware... Read More

The Final Edit

Posted on December 11, 2013
Woodson Art Museum Director Kathy Foley is an outstanding writer. With great command of the English language and years of experience writing just about every document imaginable in the non-profit, corporate, and museum world, she knows how to write effectively for any audience. She’s the only person I know whose... Read More