Tag Archives: museum collection exhibitions

Living for the Minute

Posted on May 11, 2016
During nightly evening walks, I can’t help but get caught up in my surroundings and the desire to preserve the sensations. I can relate to an artist’s need to sketch and work en plein air. Capturing the moments when light, landscape, and fauna come together is priceless. Making Marks includes eighty-nine works featuring captured moments.

Choosing Favorites

Posted on April 22, 2015
All but the final touches are complete for a new exhibition in the Woodson Art Museum south galleries. The process began well over a year ago during an Art 101 program.

A Special Creativity

Posted on August 13, 2014
I freely admit there are no creative bones in my body. I admire creative talents in others, but I am unable to take paints, sticks, canvas, paper, or any combination and make something pleasing to the eye. Luckily, I’m OK with that. My family, friends, colleagues, and coworkers think differently. They would argue that my ability to bake cookies is not only a talent, but also an artform. I think it's less about skill and more a labor of love. Afterall, I don’t create my own recipes. With this blog installment, I'm sharing what I consider a minor talent . . . using Woodson Art Museum gallery walls as my "canvas" for the exhibitions I curate and install.