Tag Archives: Birds in Art 2021

Hand in Hand

Posted on December 15, 2021
Random acts of kindness have the potential to pay unimaginable dividends . . . new friendships, new perspectives, and more. What might you do this holiday season to make a connection or brighten someone’s day?

Familiar and Fresh

Posted on November 10, 2021
The Woodson team is creative and clever, sharing ideas openly and frequently with one another as we problem solve and debate the merits of proposed plans. These exchanges are both rewarding and challenging as we re-imagine programs.

Seize This Season

Posted on September 29, 2021
Crisp autumn air, when it arrives, signals a reminder. This time of year, before fall foliage turns into the annual yardwork project, is perfect for mini-excursions. Apple orchards, hikes and bike rides, and day-trip drives rise to the top of fall wish lists. As weather becomes more fickle, though, indoor venues with outdoor options are appealing and the Woodson Art Museum offers plenty to explore: Birds in Art 2021, the recently debuted Rooftop Sculpture Garden, Birding by the Book, and hands-on art making via Art Park, Art Kits, Art à la Carte, and Activity Guides are a few of the most recent highlights.

An Invitation to Create

Posted on September 22, 2021
Next week, sculptor Tom Hill returns to the Woodson Art Museum for a multi-week residency, and he’d like to work with you! Tom invites visitors and community members to create wire birds, which will comprise a large flock, reflecting the impact of creative collaboration.

Bird Power

Posted on September 08, 2021
My thoughts these days focus on positives, despite the pandemic’s continued unknowns. At the top of my list is the power of birds. Just hours away from the start of previews of the 2021 Birds in Art exhibition, I can’t help but marvel at not only the Woodson Art Museum’s fortitude, but also the exhibition’s endurance . . . forty-six years strong.

A Whirlwind Link Voyage

Posted on September 01, 2021
Take a link-clicking trip to experience just a fraction of discoveries made during the 2021 Birds in Art catalogue production process.

Sounds of Summer

Posted on August 18, 2021
As during the last nine years, a good chunk of my August calendar is dedicated to audio. Work on the Woodson Art Museum’s audio tour app content is a seasonal commitment to highlight each changing exhibition throughout the year, and the stakes are highest for Birds in Art.

Birds in Art (in my office)

Posted on May 19, 2021
Bringing a problem to my office is never any fun. While I’m glad to be of service, I want people coming to my office for happy reasons. Recently, I hit the jackpot.