Tag Archives: The Samuels Group
“Face Lift” Keeps Museum Fit
Posted on July 20, 2022
Working in a place that used to be someone’s home can be a fun and challenging experience
Still the Same
Posted on February 17, 2021
Few things haven’t changed in the past year with the coronavirus pandemic affecting almost all aspects of our lives. Through all of this, one annual Museum highlight is going forth, as planned. Snow Sculpture.
Rolling Out the Welcome, Matt
Posted on August 21, 2019
Two months ago, via this blog, I explained the numerous reasons the Woodson Art Museum was refurbishing its main parking lot. Two months later, I can safely say that all of those problems have been corrected.
This Project Means “A Lot”
Posted on May 29, 2019
While not as exciting as the work done to the lower level gallery, Art Park, or even the Museum’s roof, there’s no mistaking the importance of a tip-top parking lot.
Ode to the Samuels Group
Posted on January 30, 2019
Capable as we are, the Woodson Art Museum staff does have some limitations. While all are talented in different ways, only a few of us typically get our hands dirty or can lift something with significant weight. Sometimes, to bring exhibitions and programs to life, it takes just that. That’s when the Museum’s design / build partner, The Samuels Group, comes to the rescue. Recently, they were at it again, installing snow forms for the Museum’s annual snow sculpture that was carved by Team USA Snow Sculptors.
Let There Be “Light”
Posted on August 29, 2018
As I write this, Art Park is completely transformed. If you were a fan of the Art Park of yore, don’t fret.
The Wall(s)
Posted on August 09, 2017
Although walls may not seem as crucial as the artwork they support, an attractive and reliable backdrop ensures enjoyment of the artwork.
“Matt on a Hot Steel Roof”
Posted on May 06, 2015
Last spring, the roof looked healthy and vibrant and we expected the original clay tiles to experience many more happy returns. When the Woodson’s design-build partner, The Samuels Group, replaced the windows in the original structure, they noticed portions of the roof needing immediate attention. We saw it, too. The news was sudden, but wasn’t shocking.
The Convoluted Tale of the Tiny Folded Cranes
Posted on April 03, 2013
Would you like to have a hand in solving a Woodson Art Museum mini-mystery? Help crack the case of the two incredibly tiny folded cranes and you could claim Sherlock status and offer a tip of the hat to someone who must be a dedicated origami enthusiast. The story begins... Read More